Week of: September 12th

 Upcoming Dates:

Sept. 20 or 21 - Picture Day (I don't know what day will be for 2nd grade yet.)
Sept. 26 - District Closed - No School
Oct. 5 - District Closed - No School
Oct. 10 - Indigenous Peoples' Day - No School
Oct. 24-28 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)

*Italics are repeated from last week's blog.
Reading: This week we will continue the first unit in our reading curriculum, Lucy Calkins Reading Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will learn that you can look for words that you already know in order to scoop up more words at a time.  We will work on comprehension and retelling our stories.  The kids will start to take notes on post-its while reading and they will also work on using strategies to tackle challenging words.

Writing: We will also be continuing our first unit in our writing curriculum, Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will talk about how you can learn craft moves from mentor authors. We will also learn to capture everyday moments in our "Tiny Topics" notebooks and save them as possible story ideas.

Math:  We will finish with our first math module called: "Sums and Differences to 100".  Much of the first unit (only 8 lessons) will be a review of first grade material. Our main focus will really be to work on routines. This week we will work on more subtraction strategies such as taking from 10 within 20 and 100.  We will also start our new math module that is all about measurement with the metric system.

Social Studies:  Our first unit in social studies will focus on building classroom community and building a growth mindset.  Both of which will help us to have a successful year in second grade! This week we will focus on another one of the 5 habits to help with having a growth mindset and those are: Empathy, Flexibility, Persistence, Resilience, and Optimism.