Week of: December 21st

 Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 23 (PM)-Jan. 8 - Winter Break - No School - School Resumes Jan. 11
Jan. 18 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 1-5 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week
Feb. 12 - Institute Day - No School for Students
Feb. 15 - President's Day - No School

*Italics are repeated from last week.
Reading: We are continuing our reading unit: "Characters and their Stories".  This unit is all about studying fictional stories and digging deeper into comprehension strategies. Last week we learned about the importance of retelling while reading.  We also learned that it is important to pay attention to the feelings of our characters in stories.  Characters can even have two or more feelings at once!

Writing: We will be continuing with our writing unit: "Writing Gripping Fictional Stories". This unit is all about character and plot development.  The kids have so much fun making up their own characters and stories! This week we will spend time revising the first drafts of our stories. We will also learn how to add more details to make our stories more interesting. 

Math:  We will continue our work with Module 4: "Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100". This week we will learn a new addition strategy called: "Partial Sums". This is a great strategy that involves taking numbers apart, adding the parts, and then putting it all back together. 

Social Studies:  We will add new states to our United States map practice. Ask your child about these states: NY and NJ.  Can your child tell you about Chef Mimal's new dog? What is his new dog wearing?  

Week of: December 14th

 Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 11 - Report Cards Emailed Home
Dec. 23 (PM)-Jan. 8 - Winter Break - No School - School Resumes Jan. 11
Jan. 18 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 1-5 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week

*Italics are repeated from last week.
Reading: We are continuing our reading unit: "Characters and their Stories".  This unit is all about studying fictional stories and digging deeper into comprehension strategies. Last week we learned about how to stop and jot to make predictions.  We also learned that you need to think about everything you know about a character in order to make a great prediction. Predictions help readers to think about the stories that they are reading!

Writing: We will be continuing with our writing unit: "Writing Gripping Fictional Stories". This unit is all about character and plot development.  The kids have so much fun making up their own characters and stories! This week we will learn about making sure our stories have a problem and solution.  We will also spend lots of time putting all of the parts together and actually writing our stories!  The kids will also work on writing a great lead for their stories. 

Math:  We will continue our work with Module 4: "Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100". This week we will be continue working with adding and subtracting using the "Arrow Way". We will also review expanded form (ex. 600+40+7=647) in order to prepare for our next addition strategy....Partial Sums!

Social Studies:  We will add new states to our United States map practice. Ask your child about these states: CO and UT.  Which state is in the "Center of the West"? Why did they need to raise the roof in UT?  We will also read our Scholastic News together.  This week's issue is titled: "Holiday Economics".

Week of: December 7th

 Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 11 - Report Cards Sent Home (stay tuned for method of delivery)
Dec. 23 (PM)-Jan. 8 - Winter Break - No School - School Resumes Jan. 11
Jan. 18 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 1-5 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week

*Italics are repeated from last week.
Reading: We have started a new reading unit: "Characters and their Stories".  This unit is all about studying fictional stories and digging deeper into comprehension strategies. Last week we learned how to "stop and jot" to record what we are thinking as we read.  We also reviewed the character traits of familiar characters that we have met in previous stories. 

Writing: We will be starting a new writing unit: "Writing Gripping Fictional Stories". This unit is all about character and plot development.  The kids have so much fun making up their own characters and stories! This week we will learn the difference between realistic and unrealistic fiction.  We will also learn to create interesting characters for our stories. 

Math:  We will also be starting a new math module, Module 4: "Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100". This week we will be learning to relate 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less to addition and subtraction of 1 and 10.  We will work on adding and subtraction multiples of 10 and then add on some ones by the end of the week. 

Social Studies:  We will add new states to our United States map practice. Ask your child about these states: ND and SD.  Where does Chef Mimal hand up his cooking coats?  We will also read our Scholastic News together.  This week's issue is titled: "A Winter's Trip" and about reindeer and their migration.