Week of: September 3rd

Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 2 - Labor Day - No School
Sept. 11 - Curriculum Night - More info. on presentation times to come
Oct. 2 - Walk to School Day
Oct. 17 - Family Math Night
Oct. 21-25 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)

Reading: This week we will officially begin the first unit in our reading curriculum, Lucy Calkins Reading Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will learn that you can choose not only what you read, but HOW you are going to read.  We will also learn how to preview the book before reading to take a sneak peek. Finally, the kids will learn that second grade is a year where they can really take off as readers. And to do that, volume is key!

Writing: We will also be starting our first unit in our writing curriculum, Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will talk about how you can learn craft moves from mentor authors. We will also learn to capture everyday moments in our "Tiny Topics" notebooks and save them as possible story ideas.

Spelling: This week we will take a spelling inventory in order to find out where each student falls in their spelling journey.  This will help me know where to begin with each individual student.  This year we will be using a program called: "Words Their Way". We will also use another program called: "Phonics Units of Study".  More information will be shared very soon.

Math:  We will start our first module in math this week.  We are using the Eureka math series.  The first module is called, "Sums and Differences to 100".  Much of the first unit (only 8 lessons) will be a review of first grade material.  This week we will work on adding and subtracting like units, making ten to add within 100, and subtracting single-digit numbers from multiples of 10 (within 100).

Social Studies:  Our first unit in social studies will focus on building classroom community and building a growth mindset.  Both of which will help us to have a successful year in second grade!

Welcome Back to School!

     I am excited to be teaching second grade again this year!  It is so exciting to see how much second graders grow, both academically and socially. There are many things I love about teaching, but one of my favorites is the relationship that I get to build with my students AND their families! 

     This will be my 18th year teaching in Oak Park.  I started my career here and could not imagine being anywhere else.  I have two kids of my own, Emmy will be in seventh grade this year and Charlie will be in fifth grade.  They will attend schools near our home in Western Springs. 

     As we start the year, please know that I am always available through email and am happy to answer any questions you might have. My email address is lpelling@op97.org.

     I'm looking forward to the first day of school.  See you on August 28th!