Week of: October 3rd

 Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 3-7 - Hispanic Heritage Week - We will do activities to celebrate each day this week!
Oct. 4 - "Walk to School Day" - Walk to school and earn a paper shoe to color and hang in the gym.  If you aren't able to walk to school, then you can earn your shoe by walking with Mr. Hancock at recess.
Oct. 5 - District Closed - No School
Oct. 10 - Indigenous Peoples' Day - No School
Oct. 14 - Fun Run - Our time slot is 9:00-9:15.
Oct. 24-28 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)
Nov. 8 - No School - Election Day
Nov. 23-25 - Thanksgiving Break - No School

*Italics are repeated from last week's blog.
Reading: This week we will finish up the first unit in our reading curriculum, Lucy Calkins Reading Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will learn that once readers have finished reading a book and know how the parts fit together, they can retell it to think about what lessons the author wants to teach. 

Writing: We will also be continuing our first unit in our writing curriculum, Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will learn to use mentor texts as resources and learn to ask ourselves: "Could I write like this?". We will also learn to try out some of the craft moves that we have found in our mentor texts. 

Math:  We will complete our work in Module 2, "Addition and Subtraction of Length Units".  This is a measurement unit that focuses on centimeters and meters. This week we will solve addition and subtraction word problems using the ruler as a number line.  We will also work on using measurement to solve two-step word problems. 

Social Studies:  Our first unit in social studies will focus on building classroom community and building a growth mindset.  Both of which will help us to have a successful year in second grade! This week we will focus on another one of the 5 habits to help with having a growth mindset and those are: Empathy, Flexibility, Persistence, Resilience, and Optimism.