Week of: September 9th

Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 11 - Curriculum Night - More info. on presentation times to come
Oct. 2 - Walk to School Day
Oct. 17 - Family Math Night
Oct. 21-25 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)

Reading: This week we will continue our first unit: "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will learn how to preview the book before reading to take a sneak peek. We will also learn that readers run their eyes across the words on a page, looking for the ones they know in a snap. This will help them to scoop up longer phrases!

Writing: We will continue our first writing unit called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will learn about telling the whole story of a tiny moment. We will also learn to magnify the small details in our stories. Finally, we will work on the endings to our stories.

Spelling: This year we will be using a program called: "Words Their Way". We will also use another program called: "Phonics Units of Study".  This week we will practice our word routines as a whole class.  We will take a practice spelling test on Friday.  I'm not sending words home because we will be taking the test together for practice.

Math:  We will continue our first module in math this week.   The first module is called, "Sums and Differences to 100".  Much of the first unit (only 8 lessons) will be a review of first grade material.  This week we will review subtracting single-digit numbers from multiples of 10 within 100.

Social Studies:  Our first unit in social studies will focus on building classroom community and building a growth mindset.  Both of which will help us to have a successful year in second grade! This week we learned about how our brains are like a muscle and we can make them stronger by trying hard things.  The kids learned about the neurons in their brains and how to make more pathways between their neurons.  Finally, we talked about how mistakes can actually make us smarter!