Week of: September 16th

Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 17 - Map Math testing today in the afternoon
Oct. 2 - Walk to School Day
Oct. 17 - Field Trip - All Seasons Apple Orchard - information and permission slips to come
Oct. 17 - Family Math Night
Oct. 18 - Fun Run - grade level times TBD
Oct. 21-25 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)

Reading: This week we will continue our first unit: "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will teach children that we need to not only read a lot, but also THINK about our books. We will work to take notes on on post-its as we read. We will also learn to tackle those tricky words while reading.

Writing: We will continue our first writing unit called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will learn to magnify the small details in our stories. We will also work on revising, crafting powerful endings, and punctuation.

Spelling: This year we will be using a program called: "Words Their Way". We will also use another program called: "Phonics Units of Study".  This week we will have individualized word lists for the first time.  Students will bring their word sorts home on Monday and will be tested on 10 randomly selected words from their sort on Friday.  Please spend time working on the spelling PATTERNS from their sorts at home.

Math:  We will begin our second module this week.   This module is called: "Addition and Subtraction of Length Units".  This unit covers measurement using centimeters and meters. We will begin using non-standard units like cubes and paperclips and then move into using rulers with cm and m. This week we will measure several objects using centimeter rulers and meter sticks. We will then learn how to compare lengths.  Finally, we will learn to relate measurement to unit size (big paper clips vs. small paper clips).

Social Studies:  Our first unit in social studies will focus on building classroom community and building a growth mindset.  Both of which will help us to have a successful year in second grade! This week we put everything we've learned so far together to learn that trying hard things makes us smarter.  We now know that we can reflect on our mistakes in order to try again and learn from them.