Week of: April 19th

 Upcoming Dates:

May 7 - Remote Learning Planning Day - No School for Students
May 13 - Virtual Author's Visit at 2:00 - Pete Oswald
May 31 - Memorial Day - No School
June 10 - Last Day of School 

*Italics are repeated from last week.
Reading: We will continue our current reading unit: "Series Book Clubs". In this unit, students will work together in small groups to read books in a series.  The students have been assigned books at their appropriate reading levels. They will work on comprehension strategies together with their groups. This week the kids will learn that once they come to know the main character in a series, they can draw on their knowledge of the character's behavior to predict their character's next steps. They will also learn that readers get to know the different people in a character's life and compare them to their own relationships. 

Writing: This week we will continue our work with our current writing unit: "Writing About Reading".  In this unit the children will learn to write about their opinions.  They will share their opinions about their favorite books. This week the kids will learn that writers who write about books often need to retell part of the story in order to help their readers better understand their opinion. We will also learn that writers write with a specific audience in mind. Finally, we will learn to use a checklist to set goals for ourselves as writers. 

Math:    We will finish up our work with Module 7: "Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data". This week we will learn to draw line plots to represent measurement data. We will also learn to answer questions based off of a line plot.  At the end of the week, we will take a math test covering all that was learned in Module 7. 

Social Studies/Science:  We will review our United States map. This past week we started a new social studies unit: "The World of Work" (Economics). Our first lesson taught the children the difference between "needs" and "wants".  This coming week we will learn about "goods" and "services" as well as "producers" and "consumers".