Week of: September 28th

 Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 9 - Remote Learning Planning Day - No School for Students
Oct. 12 - Indigenous People's Day - No School
Oct. 22-23 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week - Early Dismissal on Thursday and Friday (11:00)
Nov. 3 - Election Day - No School
Nov. 25-27 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 23 (PM)-Jan. 8 - Winter Break - No School - School Resumes Jan. 11

*Italics are repeated from last week.
Reading: This week we will continue the first unit in our reading curriculum, Lucy Calkins Reading Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt". This week we will pay attention to the author's craft and try to figure out why authors make the choices they do in their stories. We will think about the author's message and see if we can learn a lesson from the stories we read. We will finish our first unit this week! Yay!

Writing: We will also continue our first unit in our writing curriculum, Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study.  The first unit is called, "Lessons from the Masters: Improving Narrative Writing". This week we will learn that writer's use books as writing resources. They study different parts and ask: "Could I write like this?". We will also work on adding drama to our stories.

Math:  We are going to continue our math module on measurement this week: "Addition and Subtraction of Length Units" (measurement with centimeters).  This week we will work on estimation strategies with measurement. We will also measure and compare lengths using centimeters and meters. Finally, we will talk about non-standard units and relate measurement to unit size (large and small paper clips).

Social Studies:  We will always be talking about having a growth mindset and that theme will weave throughout the entire year.   However, this week we will move on and the kids will be introduced to a new social studies unit on Communities: Urban, Rural, and Suburban. We will also add new states to our United States map practice.