Weeks of: November 25th and December 2nd

Upcoming Dates:

Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 6 - Report Cards Go Home
Dec. 12 - Field Trip - Museum of Science and Industry - trip slip due by 12/2
Dec. 23 - Jan.3 - Winter Break - No School (school resumes on 1/6)

*Italics are repeated from last week's blog.
Reading: This week we continue our second reading unit: "Becoming Experts - Reading Nonfiction". This week we will wrap up our nonfiction unit.  The kids have been working on becoming experts on a topic of their choice.  They will prepare a short presentation and we will invite a first grade class to our room to share what we have learned!  Our next unit will be all about characters and their stories. 

Writing: We will continue our unit this week: "Nonfiction Writing".  The students will learn to write informational books about topics they know well! This week we will work on goal setting and how to put our writing goals into action!  The kids will work on editing and fixing up their writing so it will be easy for others to read. Finally, we will work on reading other nonfiction books to get ideas for our own writing. 

Spelling: This year we will be using a program called: "Words Their Way". We will also use another program called: "Phonics Units of Study".  We will continue to have individualized word lists.  Students will bring their word sorts home on Monday and will be tested on 10 randomly selected words from their sort on Friday.  Please spend time working on the spelling PATTERNS from their sorts at home.  The goal is not to memorize the words, but to learn the letter patterns.

Math:  We will continue our module called: "Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000". This unit focuses heavily on place value with ones, tens, and hundreds.  This week we will wrap up our unit on place value.  The kids will take their end-of-module assessment right before Thanksgiving break.  When we get back, we will start a new module on adding and subtraction with and without regrouping. The first week will focus on adding and subtracting multiples of 10. 

Science:  We are going to continue our first science unit: Solids and Liquids.  Last week the kids learned how to group solid objects by their properties.  Next week we will learn how to use solids to build sturdy towers. The kids will get to try and make the tallest tower possible with a set of given solid objects.  It will be lots of fun!